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Do Your Actions Reflect Your Biggest Desires?

You probably had to get up today and go to work.

2 min read

You may be one of those lucky people who get to work from home. That means not fighting traffic, no road rage episodes, not looking for a parking spot when you get to work, and not having to face coworkers you'd rather avoid.

You could work in a traditional brick-and-mortar environment. You show up at work just like everyone else and clock in and thus, your wonderful workday begins. Jobs are necessary evils for many people. If you are one of the lucky few who enjoy your job or career, kudos to you.

When your workday is over, do your actions reflect your deepest desires? Or are they those of most people, simply reflecting an average, ordinary, ho-hum life?

What Do You Want Out Of Life?

Does some variation of the following experience reflect your typical day?

You get up, and one of the first things you do is grab your phone. You jump online, check your email, surf social media, and eventually get ready for work. Maybe you eat, maybe you skip breakfast.

You go through the regular work routine. There is a lunch break somewhere, and you no doubt found time to fool around on your phone throughout the day. Work is over, and you head home.

You may meet some friends for an after-work activity. Maybe you head straight home. Whatever you do, the Internet, your phone, television, and other distractions that provide little value take you to the end of your day. You have dinner, and later you go to bed.

You wake up the following day and start the routine all over again.

Is that all you want out of life? If so, that's great. There's nothing wrong with finding fulfillment in everyday activities. However, we're willing to bet you have dreams and desires not fulfilled by the daily experience we just discussed.

If so, do your actions match your desires?

To make big things happen, you have to take big action. You have dreams, but when was the last time you tried to make them realities? You can always say you're too tired, or now isn't the right time, or make another excuse.

Or you can decide that today is the first day you begin to create your dream reality.

Desires are big emotions. They are the most prominent emotions you have. Your actions should be as big as those emotions. They need to be constant and never allow excuses to get in their way.

Promise yourself today that you will take at least one step toward realizing one of your biggest dreams. You can only reach your dream destination by getting started. So, begin taking action today on your deepest desires and go from being a dreamer to a doer.